The prosecution will offer a plea agreement to many persons charged with a DUI in California. In other words, if you accept a plea bargain, you agree to plead guilty so that the prosecutor may obtain a conviction without having to go to trial. In most cases, the consequences will be less severe than if you went to trial. So, is a plea bargain the best option for you? It’s all up to you. Here are three things to think about before making a decision. Then contact Simmons Wagner, LLP for a free case examination with a criminal defense attorney in San Clemente CA.
What they have to offer
Prosecutors in many California DUI cases will offer a plea bargain that reduces your conviction to either wet or dry reckless driving. A wet reckless charge can result in up to three months in prison and two years of probation. While this is important, it is nothing compared to the consequences of a DUI conviction, which may include up to six months in jail and five years of probation. In some cases, a criminal defense attorney in San Clemente CA would recommend you take this deal.
Your wet reckless conviction will be deemed a prior DUI offense if you are charged with a DUI again within ten years. As a result, your second offense will be dealt with significantly harsher. Whether you’re guilty of a DUI or a wet reckless, your insurance premiums will rise. A dry reckless is a less serious offense that won’t influence your insurance premiums or your chances of getting a second DUI arrest in the future.
They have proof against you
After that, you’ll look at the evidence against you. Keep in mind that both blood and breath tests might be erroneous, even if they appear to be conclusive. Sobriety tests performed in the field can sometimes be deceptive. You should call Simmons Wagner, LLP if you have a test result that shows your blood alcohol concentration is 0.08 percent or below. We might be able to cast doubt on the test’s accuracy.
If your whole DUI accusation stemmed from field sobriety tests, we can carefully examine the case and search for methods to attach the prosecutor’s evidence. We’ll also look into whether the tests were permitted in California. If they weren’t, the evidence may be thrown out and the charges dismissed.
The price tag of a DUI conviction
A DUI conviction comes with numerous and considerable short- and long-term implications. You’ll have to pay more for insurance in the future, you’ll face penalties and court fees, you’ll almost certainly have to pay for required alcohol programs, and you could have to pay to have an ignition lock placed in your car. A first-time DUI ticket can cost up to $20,000, according to some estimates.
You might be able to save a lot of money if you plead guilty to a lesser crime. It all depends on the deal you’re getting. When you engage with the Simmons Wagner, LLP, you can rest assured that you will receive the best legal counsel possible. If you choose to enter a plea, we will work tirelessly to obtain the best possible outcome for you. For a free legal consultation, with a criminal defense attorney in San Clemente CA call (949) 439-5857 today.