How to Defend Against DUI of Drugs Charges: Insights from a Criminal Defense Attorney in Orange County, CA

How to Defend Against DUI of Drugs Charges: Insights from a Criminal Defense Attorney in Orange County, CA

Facing DUI of drugs charges can be daunting, but understanding your legal options can make a significant difference. Hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney in Orange County, CA, is crucial.

The complexities of drug-related DUI cases often work in the defendant’s favor, making it harder for the prosecution to prove impairment. Contact Simmons Wagner, LLP at (949) 439-5857 for a legal consultation.

The Complexity of DUI of Drugs Cases

Unlike alcohol DUIs, where a blood alcohol content of 0.08% is the standard for impairment, DUI of drugs lacks a clear benchmark. This ambiguity can be beneficial in defending against charges, as it complicates the prosecution’s case.

Expertise of a Criminal Defense Attorney in Orange County, CA

Hiring a skilled criminal defense attorney in Orange County, CA, like those at Simmons Wagner, LLP, provides significant advantages. Attorneys with experience on both sides of the aisle understand the intricacies of DUI of drugs cases and can develop effective defense strategies.

Various DUI of Drugs Charges

DUI of drugs charges can arise from:

  • Driving after using illegal drugs
  • Driving under the influence of marijuana
  • Impairment from prescription medications
  • Impairment from over-the-counter drugs

A seasoned attorney can often get these charges dismissed or significantly reduced by scrutinizing the evidence and questioning its validity.

Challenging Field Sobriety Tests

Field sobriety tests, conducted by Drug Recognition Experts (DREs), are common in DUI of drugs cases. These tests are subjective and can be influenced by factors such as fatigue, medical conditions, or anxiety. A competent criminal defense attorney in Orange County, CA, can challenge these tests’ reliability by presenting alternative explanations for the signs of impairment.

Effective Legal Strategies

Several strategies can be used to defend against DUI of drugs charges:

  • Questioning DREs’ Evaluations: Highlighting the potential flaws in the Drug Recognition Experts’ assessments.
  • Medical Explanations: Providing evidence that medical conditions, not drug impairment, caused the observed signs of impairment.
  • Lack of Concrete Evidence: Arguing that the prosecution has not met the burden of proof due to the absence of clear drug impairment standards.

Importance of Professional Legal Defense

Facing DUI of drugs charges without proper legal representation can lead to severe consequences, including fines, loss of driving privileges, and jail time. A criminal defense attorney in Orange County, CA, provides the necessary legal expertise to navigate these complex cases and fight for the best possible outcome.

If you have been accused of or arrested for a DUI of drugs, contact Simmons Wagner, LLP at (949) 439-5857 for a free legal consultation. Our experienced attorneys will thoroughly evaluate your case and develop a tailored defense strategy to protect your rights and future.

Take Action Now

DUI of drugs charges are serious, but with the right legal help, you can effectively challenge these accusations. Contact Simmons Wagner, LLP today at (949) 439-5857 to schedule your free consultation and take the first step toward a strong defense. Our team is dedicated to providing expert legal support and fighting for your rights in court.